Video: How and Why We Built the Momentum Commerce App
Earlier this year, Momentum Commerce, announced the launch of app.momentumcommerce.com. This platform contains Amazon reporting, insights, and advanced strategic tools – all carefully designed to help brands understand what is happening in their Amazon business, why it happened, and what they should do to grow.
The new Web-based software connects multiple years’ worth of Amazon reporting, search, and product data together with Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central information, layered with sharp visuals and data enrichments to make insights clear and actionable.
The app provides brands with a deep accounting for their own progress on Amazon across advertising, inventory, digital shelf, and other key business functions. Additionally, metrics can be benchmarked against competitors, and research tools illuminate the “state of play” of other categories on Amazon when investigating potential new product launches.
Building the app wasn’t easy, but it was absolutely necessary to address the current realities of being a successful Amazon seller. Insights unveiled within the tool make performance easier to track, while exposing tactical and strategic changes that can make a difference.
So, how did we build the app? Why did we design it the way we did? Let’s have our product and engineering team explain it themselves.
To learn more about the Momentum Commerce App, and how we can help your brand perform better on Amazon and other retail channels, please shoot us a note at hello@momentumcommerce.com, or fill out the form below.